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Neon at Percona Live 2022

How Neon provides free production-ready Postgres projects with one click

August 19, 20221 min read

Percona Live, the biggest open source database conference took place in Texas on May 16, 2022, and we were happy to be a part of it.

Neon is a database focused on Developer Experience (DevX) and DevX was one of the conversation topics at the conference. Percona’s poll results showed a significant yearly increase of companies that run over 1000 databases in production, despite the complex cross-team effort that’s required to do that. We believe that empowering developers with cheap, easy, and managed self-service of their essential tools is the way forward.

In my talk about Neon, I showed how to get a free cloud Postgres with one click, in a few seconds. Then I presented the architecture that makes this possible and finally showed some other DevX features that are enabled by that same architecture (scale-to-zero, branching, time travel, pitr, etc.)

Neon at Percona Live 2022

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